Rule violations

The rule violations dialog defines will list all violations of the current project regarding the logic model. It will help you to keep track of open ports, unconnected input ports or other potential logic errors.

Degate rule violations dialog

With this dialog you can also mark a violation as accepted, it will remove it from the violations tab if you consider it’s not a real problem/error.

Degate rule violations dialog accepted tab

By selecting a violation or accepted violation, you can accept/reject it or go to the concerned object. You also have access to a filter, you just have to write a string of characters and press “ENTER” to filter every violation/accepted violation containing the string. The refresh button will enforce a full refresh of all violations and accepted violations (it will recalculate every violation of the logic model).

Possible violations are:

Violation Description
open_port A port is unconnected.
net.outputs_connected An output port is connected with other out ports.
net.not_feeded An input port is not fed.